chap 1
fake ID
☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖October 2014.Class was over, students were wandering the halls in a hurry; wanting to get back to their dorms or go home. Teachers clean up their desks while discussing stuff with other students before the day ends completely. Miki stands up quickly, bumping her elbow wrong on the arm of her chair, hitting her funny bone. The girl wasn't fazed by the tingles of numbing pain that shot through the nerves of her arm all the way to her fingertips as she grabbed her books, making her speedy and eager way out of the stuffy classroom. A grin spread over her face as her body was filled with excitement. She never really knew what to do with excitement. It seemed her excitement poured out of her through every desk she bumped out of place in her hurry.The spring in her step only quickened as Miki scanned the not crowded but not empty halls, looking for the girl with faded blue hair and dark bold roots. There wasn't sign of her and she had to wonder if the other got held up by her own classes. Or by someone else.... Did she get caught sneaking out? Miki shoved those thoughts away with the shake of her head and looked up again, her eyes refocusing as she walked through the halls, dodging around people and not caring who she bumped shoulder to shoulder with. She brings a hand up to run through her unruly red hair, gripping as she tries to distinguish Brooke’s appearance through the halls.Miki was just going to leave and just go to Brooke's aunts, no use waiting around like a dolt; but when she started down the steps to get to the buildings bottom floor where the fire exit was, she saw the other already coming up them, hips swaying with every step."HEY!" Miki shouted with excitement and a toothy grin spreads on her face. A few people startled and glanced over at her yell, looks of annoyance are shot in Miki’s direction. Her eyes didn't leave the other, though, as she watched Brooke's pretty face light up with a soft smile; those green eyes shining,"Hi Miki! You're out early today.” She’s offering a smile,“Wait, I thought you had detention?" Brooke stopped and let Miki come down the steps to meet in the middle, readjusting her bag on her arm. Students are giving them weird looks, probably because of the bag.Only a few students were allowed to have their backpacks; as of a few months ago there was a huge thieving incident, Miki of course denies having anything to do with it. Truth be told; she had a lot of involvement. Miki always seemed to be involved in any delinquent activities. The point being: you couldn’t have your bags out and you couldn’t have big backpacks. Just a little bag to hold any books. Though, they were most likely staring because they didn’t recognized Brooke. It’s also uncommon to be picked up, even less common for someone to be coming in through the fire exit. Most were adorned with glares of hatred, some of the more snot nosed brats just giving a look of displeasure.They were jealous, stuck like ants in an ant farm. Miki only smiled wider, maybe a little too cocky herself, feeling all too special. How she can feel so high is unknown, the girl is in the same position as them, if not worse. Brooke’s looking up at Miki and giving her a bump against her shoulder to take her out of her thoughts once they fell into a comfortable walking speed together."What?” She blinks and pauses, “Yeah, hmm... wait was that today?" Miki pondered aloud, looking ahead of them with a tilt of her head and leading them out of the fire exit of the school, going to go out through the back way so they didn’t get caught. You can’t bring anyone who is not enrolled in the school on grounds, they can’t come hang out. The two will walk around to another fire escape, less likely to be seen."Yup, probably, oh well!" Miki agreed with a laugh, picking up her speed with a little more pep in her step. Brooke wasn't expecting it and fell behind a little, calling out to the other,"Where are we going today?"Miki stopped and looked back to wait for her, "Nowhere special right now, just up to the dorms..."Brooke caught up with haste and looked at Miki with a flat expression, but the red-head could read the confusion in the furrow of her brows. They stood there for a second, staring at each other. Brooke was waiting for her to finish, her expression painting into one of knowing and Miki just scoffed, bringing her arms up to cross over her own chest as she lifted her chin up in a shameless manner."Okay!” She relents, “Okay. You got me! And then after the sun goes down some more were gonna go somewhere-" The lanky girl couldn’t even finish her sentence, being cut off by the other girl,"Absolutely not." Brooke shakes her head, now bringing her own arms up to cross over her chest and she huffs a sigh."What? C'mon dude, not fair." Miki pouted for a second, her body deflating as her arms dropped down to her side. She tilts her head down and suddenly she looks like a kicked puppy. Brooke rolls her eyes. Miki starts toeing the ground with her shoe. Child. "You went with Lucy though, to that concert last month!""That was more important, and I trust her way more." Brooke scoffs, leaning her weight on to her right foot. Sneak out? With Miki? Not happening! She’ll probably get them arrested, especially after nightfall. It’s bad enough that the girl was sent away to this shit hole, last thing they need is for her to end up in prison. Or land them both there at that.Miki stood up straight with a huff of breath, looking down at Brooke. She raises both her hands out in gesture, "I want to take you somewhere, I want to give you an experience.” When Brooke only quirks a brow at her words Miki turns on theatrics, she slides an arm around Brooke’s shoulders and leans into her ear, “I want to change your life, baby."Over dramatic, like always. Brooke rolled her eyes a little but chuckled none the less at the proximity. Staring back at Miki with her head tilted only slightly, Brooke narrows her green eyes. Miki’s eyes were wide in excitement, the hopeful shine in the blue of her iris is like the ocean, a small smile placed onto her face. Brooke bites her lip at the expression, she’s easy to cave in. Miki leans a little bit closer, close enough for the girl to feel her breath on her face."Please."Brooke let out a huff and pushes herself to walk past Miki, they brush against eachother and Miki stumbles as she was leaning her weight on the other. Miki didn't turn around to look at her, just stood there for a second before starting to pout. Then with the stomp of her foot she turns herself around, ready to start pleading more; she’d get on her knee’s if she had to."Are you coming or not? It's already getting late and I have catch up homework to do!" Brooke called out from over her shoulder, cutting Miki’s speech off and leaving her to gape for a second.The girl gave half a smirk and half a toothy grin on her face, it was a messed up smile. She ran to catch up to her girlfriend, throwing herself into the other’s space once more- Which only caused Brooke to make a face at her. "Ugh, get out of my face with that. You look like a creep."Miki put a hand over her smile defensively and stood straight, walking with long strides to pass Brooke swiftly. "Leave my smile alone! You’re just jealous of these pearly whites." She then hooks a finger into her cheek, turning around to display her teeth."Haha” Brooke offers the redhead a fake laugh, “Don’t worry Miki, I'm just messing with you!" She said with a fake positive attitude, sarcasm lacing the words. Miki’s mouth closes and a smile is left on her face, Brooke walks up and the two fall into pace and Brooke playfully bumps their shoulders together. Miki turned her head to look at her, the sunlight from the windows casting a nice shadow on the side of her freckled face but her expression was suddenly deadpanned. Brooke chuckled slightly."No, you weren't.""Yeah..." Brooke looked ahead of them, trying to rid herself of the smile on her face, "I wasn't. What would I have to be jealous of anyways?" Her tone was playful.Miki’s expression softened and she smiled ahead as they continued on. The two walked in silence, their shoes scuffing on the dirty hallway floor. They were just coming up on the floor of Miki's friend’s dorm room, the girl sped up, leaving Brooke in the dust as she ran up to start pounding on the door, each hit echoing down the empty corridor."By the way, what catch up homework did you have?""Oh," Brooke thought aloud as the door opened roughly, barely getting a greeting from Lucrene, who was already walking away from the opening door with her headphones pulled on over her ears. There was music pouring out from the small speakers, so the two didn't bother to say anything to the tiny girl. Lucrene, who they sometimes call Loom, stood only at about 4'11 (in irony of her nickname), short even to Brooke's height; who was only 5'4."Just English. I have some writing assignments, I think. Missed some classes, nothing too much."Miki nodded and walked over to throw her books on one of the nightstands. One messily slid off and onto the ground, the pages fluttering. Miki just looked down and stared at it. A moment passes and she decides to leave it with a shrug in favor of flopping onto the bed that was pushed to the left side of the room, right under the only window. Brooke shot Miki a specific look at the girls antics. She came around and sat at the foot of the bed that Miki was spread out on, propping herself up and pushing back so she could lean her back against the wall. The redhead looked over at her and grinned, she sat up and threw herself forward, planting her head in Brooke’s lap just as she was about to pick up her bag."What?" Brooke looked down at her, a little startled, "Why now? Get off, I need to do my work." Miki groaned; the vocal vibrations could be felt by Brooke on the top of her thigh. She pushed Miki's head a little, gently. "Nooo, pet me..." Miki whined out with her lips curling into a smirk, Brooke rolled her eyes again,"No way! I'm breaking rules for you today.” She’s stern and makes sure to add, “To finish my work, that is. So don't get any wrong ideas."Miki rolled off with no expression on her face at the emphasis on Brooke's order, "Okay, fine, okay." She relented and propped herself up to sit beside Brooke instead. The other picked her bag up and put it between her legs on the bed, getting out her binder and thin stack of papers. Miki offered to hold her backpack and Brooke smiled and handed it to her. She sat it on her lap and watched Brooke do her homework quietly. The mechanical pencil scribbling and scratching at the paper, filling up the quiet in the room. It was very hard to refrain herself from pestering Brooke. It was hard to refrain from being rambunctious in general. Miki felt the itch to do something, so she started shaking her foot. She let the girl do her work, and just fiddled with the frayed threads of Brooke's bag. After shifting around a bit, Miki was comfortably curled up into the other's side.Sometime had gone by with Miki having her head on Brooke’s shoulder with her eyes closed, dozing away with the other girl writing. The whole room was filled with silence, pencil scratching, and the low bass emitting from Lucrene's headphones. Miki felt Brooke lean her head on top of hers for a few seconds. It made her smile, she thought of something to say but she couldn't really find the words. Brooke eventually put her head back up and went back to writing. Miki just closed her eyes once again, not really wanting to fall asleep but her body giving in anyways.Hours pass, only a few. The moment Miki opens her eyes she immediately looks towards the window before her body and mind were even aware she was awake. There was only a sliver of light left, pouring through the blinds and casting dim lines on the wall. "Ah shit," Her voice was raspy. Miki jumped up, shaking the feeling of sleep from herself. She cleared her throat with a sludgy cough, "What time is it?"Lucrene, who was sitting on her own bed across from the two of them and curled up in a fluffy sea-green blanket with a book in hand, speaks without even looking at the two, "It’s like, 6 o'clock?"Miki grabbed her phone from out of her pencil case which was on the floor with one of her books. She wiped away the pencil shaving dust that was on it, they fell all over her friend’s bed; much to Lucrene's annoyance. It was actually almost 5pm."We gotta go." Miki said to Brooke, who was putting her books back into her bag."Don't take yours, were taking my backpack." Miki said, making Brooke put her bag back down with an irritated face. She doesn’t understand why Miki would have her leave it. In truth, Miki doesn’t want them to look like highschoolers, "Sorry, just put anything you need in mine."Miki trotted over to Lucrene’s desk, grabbing her stuff off it, and stuffing it into her backpack. In the process of grabbing her wallet and earbuds, she knocked a ton of stuff on her friend’s desk over, said friend gave her a look; but her face was stone-cold as ever so you wouldn't be able to make out how the girl was really feeling- but Miki knew she was mad, the knowledge only made the girl snicker internally. Miki swung her backpack on with a coy smile and then gave Brooke a 'let’s go' motion, then turning to give the smirk to Lucrene. Who stares blank faced and then rolls her eyes, Miki seems to incite that reaction a lot.“Thanks for having us.” Miki jokes, the smile still on her face. Lucrene brings a hand up and waves loosely, when she speaks it flat toned sarcasm, “It’s always a pleasure...”Miki laughs.Brooke is standing there, wondering why some if not most of Miki's belongings were in this room. She swore Miki stayed at home; her parents didn't want her to have a dorm here anymore so that they could keep her under extra surveillance. They had no trust in the girl anymore, which Brooke understood why. Her green eyes landed on the distressed black bag hanging off the other girl's shoulders. It wasn’t her school bag.Brooke raised her eyebrows, about to start thinking about it only to notice something, and then laughed to herself out loud. "Yeah okay, turn around genius." Miki cocked her right eyebrow up, smirk falling, throwing Brooke a confused expression, "Your backpack is open.""Oh." Miki turns around with a goofy smile on her face. Brooke zipped up the mysterious bag in a swift motion and patted the other on the shoulder. Brooke left her hand to linger there for a second, the pressure burning an imprint into Miki’s skin."It's okay, young one, you'll get it one day."Miki scoffed out a laugh and shifted to cross her arms, rolling her eyes as she knocked Brooke's hand from her and made her way to the door."Thanks mom."☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖The two made it to the courtyard with little to no time to spare, the gates leading to the outside were still open, much to their luck. They made it just in time. The boarding school has opening and closing hours and once it’s after hours you can’t leave, and no one can enter. If you stay in a dorm here, you must be back before eight in the evening.Miki leaps over a short stone bench in excitement, propelling herself off a rock that is behind it. Brooke just goes around it, stumbling slightly from rushing after Miki’s speed. They make it outside, and then turn to go to the right of the building. She watched the redhead run up the hill, each step jostling the bag and items in it hanging from her back. The bag was practically bigger than her. Sounds of metal clanking together echoed around them. Miki had great endurance, Brooke didn't- her legs burned from trying to speed herself uphill- like when you’re riding your bike and the petals become rigid like you’re in quicksand.They finished scaling the hill, which was quite big, and Miki practically threw herself onto the tall stone wall that surrounded the school, it was in the middle of nowhere and had a huge wall around it. Like a prison. Brooke panted, slowing herself down aside Miki to lean her body on the rough bricks. "Jeez."
Miki walked over, maybe moving ten feet as she dragged her hand on the wall. Her sharp ragged nails scraping against it, looking for something. Miki found it easily once her nails got caught in it and she started dislodging a rather large brick from the wall, a huge chunk with multiple pieces intact started leaning out. She struggled a bit, her small frame giving into the weight of it. It was as big as a boulder. But you'd never be able to tell it was there. Miki looked over at Brooke,"Little help here?"Brooke scoffed at the tone and walked over, propping her foot up and grabbing onto the only grabbable piece. They both tugged and felt it was a lot easier with both of their forces. They teetered it a little and made a small opening, Miki ushered Brooke out and followed behind her. It wasn’t too hot, but the sunset blazing onto the outside of the wall where they emerged was bright. All around them was a huge vast desert, tumble weeds and dead bushes. There was nothing out here except for this school. The sun would be setting soon, then briskness from the fall evening would soon be nipping at their skin instead. Neither brought a jacket, Miki wearing shorts and Brooke wearing a tank top.Brooke gave a laugh of exhilaration, her silhouette looking beautiful in golden hour. Miki stood up next to Brooke, a smirk on her face as she planted her hands to her hips. "Damn, talk about prison break!" Her finger twitched while she gave a breathless laugh."Right, though I'm not sure why we had to break out. We could've just walked out the front gates." Brooke smiled up at her with her eyebrow raised, Miki blushed, but she wouldn't admit she feared getting caught skipping detention. Luckily Brooke changed the subject, "So which way, boss?"Miki saluted and pointed in a random direction, "This way, slave!" She started walking in that same direction. "What?” Brooke blanches for a second, “Slave?” Miki doesn’t reply to her in favor for pulling the girl by her wrist along the wall and out to the front of the school, where they would follow the broken-up asphalt and dirt road into one of the towns over. Even though the school is owned by Stenstill, Thornhill was closer. The two make their way through a desert patch and find the path. It used to be the main road between towns, but it was renovated when they added the school and now the road goes a different way- most people use this road for off-roading now.They walked for a while; it wasn’t too long but the school is quite a ways out there. It probably took them close to two hours, even with short cuts. The walk was worse a few months ago when it was still summer. Now that it’s October, it’s a lot cooler, but the setting sun baked them, Miki’s legs already had color.Miki and Brooke were in town now, somewhere they hadn’t been together for a while. Brooke had to agree with the other when she said it was like they were breaking out of prison, except prison was Miki's parents. Who they were probably about to get a phone call sometime soon about how Miki didn't show up for detention, about how Miki wasn’t there to be picked up to go home, about how Miki hasn’t shown up at home yet… the list can go on."Do you remember where that dollar store was?" Miki asked, no tone of voice other than pure curiosity. Brooke hummed while glancing around at the buildings surrounding them,"No.""Ralph’s?""No.""Baymart?""Nope, didn’t that go out of business?""I wouldn’t know, why am I the only one throwing out ideas here?"Brooke huffed, stopping in her tracks, and throwing her hands up in aspiration, "I don't know, I've barely been to this town, only with you!"Miki stopped too and just stared at her, that didn't really answer her question. But it was true, neither of them came to this town often, they normally hung around the city Brooke's aunt resided in. Which was hours in the opposite direction. This town was closest to Miki’s school, and whenever Miki would ditch, she would come here. Brooke dropped her arms and crossed them with her hips leaning to the left side. She looked sassy, like a librarian, Miki chuckled to herself. Brooke gave her a look of questioning, probably wondering what was funny."Well, maybe I do remember one... somewhere in town? I don't know, around from the mall?" Brooke muttered, rubbing her arm.Miki fought a grin off, "Well what are we waiting for then?" Brooke looked up at her, giving a look of exhaustion."Let’s go!" Miki took off, marching into town like she owned the place. It was hard to tell if she was being serious, but Brooke decided it didn’t matter. The town was quite bigger than it looked, or at least bigger than they thought it would be. It was a decent sized town. Average. People on the streets, shops, houses, and apartments. Miki had no idea where the mall was, but what's life without a little adventure?It was easy to find a few convenience stores, but Miki refused them, trying to convey that it needs to be at a grocery type store for the experience, leaving Brooke to question what exactly they were doing but alas she was not given an answer. Eventually they broke down and asked someone for directions and were luckily given some. They were right around the corner for it, go them."I'm starting to worry about getting in trouble," Brooke mutters as they entered the building through the automated doors. The AC above the doors blowing their hair back. Miki gave her a look, about to say something but Brooke continued."And I don't even know why we’re here! For all I know, it could be a complete waste of time." She looked at Miki, not with a glare but her eyes were still piercing none the less."I just want to take you somewhere!" Miki reassures, like it’s matter of fact. Maybe a little too loud and proud as she catches the attention of other shoppers. Brooke gives them a certain type of look, wanting to curl into herself. Miki always calls forth unwanted attention. Ignoring them, Miki keeps walking and Brooke follows begrudgingly."Baymart?" She brings a delicate hand up to push a lock of blue hair behind her ear. She’s really hoping the answer isn't yes. She throws big green eyes in the others direction, sarcastically hopeful, Miki just let out a big laugh,"As much as Baymart is a magical place to be, I don't think it’s going to change your life, baby." It's said in a similar fashion to how she said it earlier when she was begging Brooke to go. Just a little lower; It’s always hard to tell if she's joking or being serious. Brooke stays quiet for a minute as they walk. She ponders where they're going, if Miki isn't saying it, then it must be a surprise. If you looked up natural disasters, every single one of Miki's surprises would show up in the list under.“I don’t like surprises.” Brooke pouts and goes quiet, bringing her arms to cross over her chest uncomfortably.
The time she made them do paint ball, or when she wanted them to cook together as a competition to see who could prepare the best meal- the fastest. What were the disastrous parts of those? Oh, maybe the fact that she got them BEBE guns instead of paint ball guns, or how Miki nearly caught Brooke's aunt’s house on fire!"We haven't done anything since I've been grounded!"Brooke scoffs as ‘grounded’ was the nice way to put it. More like house arrest. Miki could go to school, and then was ordered to be home right away. She wasn't even supposed to be seeing Brooke. Miki did it anyways of course. It's no wonder why she's grounded. Her parents are grade A assholes, sure, but Miki NEVER listens, she never tried to fix it while she could. She just kept pouring gasoline into the fire and had the nerve to complain that it was getting bigger.All Brooke heard was "I'm taking us to a party!" whispered as if it was top secret information, but it had so much enthusiasm. Sounded so accomplished."WHAT?" Brooke was appalled as Miki slid her arm around her shoulders, too shocked to push her off, she just looked at her in shock. Maybe she was feeling betrayal. Miki’s face had a sharp grin plastered; her eyes were narrowed like a wolf stalking its prey. It’s clear that Miki was content, and the plans were set in stone."A college party at that!" Miki corrects herself, with her finger pointed up factually.It got worse, of course it would get worse. Brooke snapped out of her shock shoved Miki off and turned her body to glare at her, chest high. Brooke was shorter, but she had mastered the skill of looking down on people who are taller than her. "Are you kidding me?" A look of pure confusion sent her way. Why was she confused? In what world is this a good idea? Is Miki insane?Well, the answer to that is yes.Miki’s confusion is answered with a continuing glare, a look of disappointment."C'mon it'll be fun!" She cheers.Despite her refusals- Brooke still followed as the redhead beckoned her further into the store. It wasn't like she had something against parties, in fact they’d snuck into a couple of college parties together before. That's what had her worried, Miki got drugs from those parties. Miki is supposed to be clean while attending this boarding school. Her parents would murder her, call the cops! Send her to jail… It was a concoction of terrible things and ideas. Brooke was just worried. That was it, worried.Miki was a concoction of terrible ideas."..." Brooke crossed her arms tighter and followed, not saying anything but the look of displeasure painting her features showed her uneasiness. Miki kept glancing at Brooke out of the corner of her eye, holding the shopping basket tightly as she threw various snacks in it."Do you even have money for that?" Miki turned to look at Brooke and nodded. Pulling two twenty-dollar bills from her pocket. Brooke's eyes bugged out of her head; where did Miki get forty dollars? Was she stealing again? Before she could ask, Miki opened her mouth,"I promised I'd help host it." Brooke scoffed at the girl’s words. Yeah, a sixteen-year-old junior helping host a COLLEGE party. More like Miki was their gopher. "They gave me this. And this..." She shoved the basket into the shorter girl’s hands abruptly, causing her to stumble a little with an irritated look plastering her face.Brooke choked out a "Hey!" But before she could start scolding Miki for being rude her eyes widened, Miki smirked at her reaction, waving what she pulled out of her wallet in her face. Brooke's eyes squinted, "What the hell is that?" Not having her reading glasses on she took a step forward and leaned in to read the small plastic that Miki was presenting to her, reaching a hand out to grasp Miki’s wrist to hold it still.Miki Miya
DOB 5/5/1992
ISS: 4/6/2013
EXP: 4/6/2017--She didn't need to keep reading; this ID says Miki is twenty-two. Her attention is brought to Miki's face by the sound of her laughter. Brooke just stares at the girl, once again appalled."You're not...""I am!" Miki says happily."A fake fucking ID!?” Brooke screams through a whisper, “Are you mental, Miki?!" Brooke lowered her voice, but her tone was venom. Miki's grin widened more as Brooke looked around to make sure no one was watching them. Miki could practically see every hair on Brooke's body stand up in protest, her shoulders tensed straight yet somehow hunched. She waved her hand and then puts the items back into her pocket. "You want to go to jail! I swear!"“Quit freaking out,” Miki laughs, "I've used it already!""WHAT?!"Miki just laughed more and sped away from the girl, who stomped her foot in yet another protest- but followed quickly.Brooke was hesitant to follow Miki to the alcohol section. Her gut was screaming at her in objection, honestly, she feels like she might just throw up. She wanted to leave, especially when Miki wasn't just grabbing a case of shitty beer."By the end of the night, I'll make sure you're bad to the bone, Brookie!" Grabbing a bottle of scotch whiskey off the shelf. Brooke's eyes narrowed as it dropped into their basket. Miki winked at her and gave her a thumbs up before picking up the pack of beer with her other hand again.Brooke shook her head in disappointment, blinking her green eyes and looking away from Miki. "I hate you."☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖Checking out had Brooke shaking in her shoes. The cashier was young. Maybe in their twenties to maybe even early thirties. He was quiet, listening to the two bicker as he rang up all the snacks Miki put onto the counter. He raised his eyebrows when she set the whiskey and six pack of Budweiser onto the counter."I'm going to need to see some ID." He said in amused suspicion. Miki and Brooke stopped bickering, Miki nodded, not acting shocked in the slightest. But Brooke went rigid. She pulled out the fake ID and handed it over, the cashier looked over the card and then turned to stare at Brooke. A beat of silence passed between the three of them. Brooke felt her knees turn into jelly, her brows furrowing as she looked to Miki, seeing how she was going to get out of this."Oh! This is my cousin, she's underage." Miki said matter of factly since the cashier seemed to be sizing Brooke up for longer than necessary. Brooke chokes at the new information, holding her coughs in and swallowing as she gives the guy a curt nod- agreeing with whatever Miki says. "We're having a family banquet." Miki paused when the guy raised one of his eyebrows- probably at her use of the word ‘banquet’,"That’s for the uncles and aunties." Miki tipped her head, and threw her hand out, gesturing to the alcoholic beverages.The guy gave her an incredulous look, amusement still adorning his features, but he turned his attention to his job and scanned the drinks anyways. Brooke stomped on the front of Miki's shoe, causing the taller to grimace in pain as her big toe gets crushed- close to letting out a shriek of pain, but she grits her teeth- not wanting to give away her act. Miki turned to glare at Brooke with a cough to clear her throat, then a haughty smile pulled on her lips as she looked back at the cashier,"Oh, and one pack of the Marlboros, please."The guy nodded at that; no hesitation like he had with the alcohol. If he knew he didn’t care. He turned around with his keys jingling together to unlock the cigarette stand. Miki took her time to smirk at Brooke's irritation. The other scoffed and turned her attention to the magazines to the right of them, forcing herself to find something more interesting. This should have never played out. The guy was clearly just letting them get away with it.☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖By the time they left the store, the sun was gone. Only pinks, oranges, and a violet purple fill the sky as the night starts to set upon them. Brooke shuffled her shoes against the asphalt of Baymart's parking lot. Miki was on the phone getting directions for where the house the party was at. It only turned out to be about a ten-minute walk, which they spent in silence. The only noise being Miki humming the beat to the song that was playing while they were in the store, and the crunching of the snack bags every time Miki's leg brushed against the bag.Neither of them knew for sure if the guy just let them off the hook, or if Miki had convinced him. Miki would say she convinced him, Brooke would argue he just let them get away with it.The sun was completely gone by the time they arrived, they could hear muffled bass from music coming from up ahead and lots of commotion. The sounds of a party: cheering, clapping, yelling, singing, music and bass. Brooke slowed to a stop as Miki kept walking, eventually turning around to shoot her a mischievous smirk, a wolf's smile, in the dark. It sent a chill down Brooke’s spine."Ready to have the time of your life, cousin?" Miki asked, jokingly going on about how maybe they could move to Alabama and keep their relationship a secret from their family."Shut up, you're disgusting." Brooke snapped back eventually, just wanting her to quit it, anxiety pooling under her skin- not in the mood for Miki’s stupid jokes. She wasn’t ready- she didn’t want to be here. Brooke had a bad feeling because…This was going to be a disaster.☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖
chap 2
nails on a chalk board
☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Elementary school. 2008.It was the sound of nails on a chalkboard that caught everyone’s attention, stopping them all with a startle. The loud, ear-piercing, mind-numbing noise vibrated around the room. It was the screeching that would cause your whole body to shrivel and cringe. You can only imagine how it feels for the person’s nails being sacrificed.The group of girls turned their heads, flinching at the noise while some covered their ears and cried out from the cringe that's sending shivers down their spine, "Stop!" one yelled out,The noise continues, rapidly intensifying as the person doing it adds two hands, clawing at the board like a cat- she laughs."What do you want, Miki?" Another hissed, "Yeah can’t you see we're busy? Beat it kid." The oldest girl chimed in finally. Miki looks over at the girl, her hands on her hips and her blonde hair swaying behind her as the girl puts up a cocky front. The noise intensified- and then with one last screech, the nails were removed from the dusty green board, four very shallow nail marks embedded in the wall of the blackboard stood stared back. It maybe wasn’t super damaged, but it looked bad since the board was covered in dust. The teacher wasn’t going to be happy. Miki snickers to herself, she’ll have to buff away the evidence with the eraser."Aren't you from the other building… er,” Miki stops to think for a second, “Hana? What’cha doing all the way in my classroom?" she asks, feigning innocent curiosity while picking the grime from the board out from under her nails- and suddenly seeming bored as she wipes it on her black dress; leaving a trail of white dusty residue to smear all down her torso. She didn't seem to mind though. Looking up to face the group, she stood there proudly, her mid-shoulder length red hair sticking up in every direction, her dress rumpled, one sock black and the other white, eye catching through her slip on mary-jane shoes.'Hana' scoffs, her arms crossed over her chest as she blows her blond hair from her face, "So what? I go to this school too; I can be wherever I want."Miki takes a few steps towards the group of elementary school kids, save for Hana who was in her 6th year, 2 grades up from every kid in the room."Be a shame if I told someone you're bullying an pickin’ on the younger grade." Miki simply shrugged, a flip phone suddenly in her hand that she pulled from her pocket, glimmering in the afternoon sunlight that was coming through the blinds of their classroom window. She lifted the phone, and the sound of a camera was heard, one, two, click and flash.The picture included a girl sitting on the floor, the girls standing all around her. It wasn’t good quality, by any means.Hana clenched her fist and grit her teeth after the flash, glaring at Miki and she walked closer, the other girls behind her standing up on their guard; finally backing off the other kid they had cornered. That same girl took her chance to get up, her back pressed against the classroom shelf as she watched the girls surround Miki, like a pack of wolves- just as they were just doing to her. She recognizes Miki as the two of them shared the same class.The girl’s thoughts spin as she believes Miki will be next now, she bites down on her lip with her green eyes downcast to the floor, only seeing their shoes scuffle on the ground up ahead of her. Her black hair covers her face. She feels her body fill with guilt, wishing she didn’t come to school today. Miki was only being nice by trying to help-"Delete it, Miki, we aren't even doing anything. Just having a little chat, see? Isn't that right, Brooke?" Hana says coolly, her pride over-pouring through the tone of her voice. It’s so fake. Brooke glanced up at her name, seeing Miki tilt her head and poke her eyesight through two of the obnoxious girls, locking eyes with Brooke.“Oh really?” Miki croons.They just stared, green clashing against blue. Brooke didn't utter a single word and Miki just blinked back at her. Brooke brought her hand up to grasp onto her bicep, a shy habit she had, and broke her eye contact with Miki. Those cold blue eyes seemed to look right through her, it made her somewhat uncomfortable. Miki just looked back to the sixth grader and her group of followers, eyes narrowing but her smile widening. Her hand is clenching the flip phone."Got that?" Hana sneers, “Just having a chat.” She makes sure to smile after saying it, as if it’s no problem. And then she walks closer to Miki and puts her hands back on her hips as she leans over the younger girl. She was a good five inches taller than Miki, who hasn't hit her growth spurt yet. Miki just looked up, unphased by the looming shadow above her, not scared of the older girl nor of the difference in size. Hana spat next to the Mary-jane shoes adorning Miki's feet. The wood next to where Miki stood glistened as the spit splattered on the ground, Miki even felt some get on her shin, she grimaced. The other girls laughed. Hana gestures to the spit, looking at it and then back to Miki, threatening; “Delete the photo, or we’re going to have a problem.”It’s said so simply, as if there isn’t already a problem. Miki looks down at the spit on the ground. Talk about gross.The girls started to walk out of the classroom, their heads high on their shoulder as if the world belonged to them. What makes them feel so good? They didn’t even do anything cool or impressive, none the less intimidating. Miki smeared the spit on the floor with the tip of her shoe, looking at the back of the blonde head of the girl, her eyes narrowing in disgust. She can’t help but chuckle a little- she finds some sarcasm to lace her words with- maybe she’s just trying to sound tough, "Oh yeah? Is that so?”Miki wouldn't say she sounded intimidating back then, she was just a baby. Standing up for someone who she saw in her own classroom every day, someone she possibly copied test answers from occasionally. Maybe even the girl whose homework she stole and changed the name because she knew that this girl would have the right answers. (It’s her secret) The quiet kid, who even the teacher rarely picked to answer a question even though she sits practically in the front row. Miki didn't want to meddle in their drama, she didn't want to be caught up in something as superficial as 'bullying', but it didn't stop her from getting upset, watching those girls grab Brooke’s lunch from her, and taunt it over her head. As if they owned the place- no, as if they owned her. Miki scowled, muttering under her breath, “Low life bitches. ”Only a fifth grader and she already had such a filthy mouth, Miki was always hanging around the wrong people. She knows the soap bar well enough. A child like her had no rhyme, no reason, to be filled with such distaste for everything. Her frail body shouldn’t be able to handle it, shouldn’t have been able to produce it. At least not yet. Maybe it was just her sense of justice…Miki’s sense of judgment.The girls stopped at the door, peering back inside to see what Miki could possibly have to say to them. It had only been a second, and yet, Miki was now standing in front of them, bent over a little and looking up at them in a funny way,"So why are you guys taking her lunch then?" she asked, a grin adorning her freckled face, It fully reached her eyes, and the snark was biting through Hana's ego. She faltered, giving a look of distaste and then she scoffed. Miki's eyes flickered to the lunch pail in the bully's hands, and then back up to lock eyes with her- they narrow in hatred at the middle schooler."We didn’t take anything. She gave it to me, right Brookie?” The warm nickname that had only ever been used with Brooke by her family, was now being sneered at her like an insult."Oh! So, it was a gift?" Miki barely waits for Hana to finish the sentence, not even waiting for Brooke's reply to the fake question- not that the girl would, she’s not even sure if her voice box works. Miki laughs, “That’s so nice of you Brooke, really.”Hana makes a noise, eyebrows furrowing in on confusion."Then if it's not yours, I can have it." Miki decides with a big smile, swiping the lunch pail out of Hana's hands and jumping a few steps back before the other girl could get to her.Hana did try to reach forward, to grab it back; but Miki was too quick. She used her foot and locked it under the back leg of the chair that was closest to her. Using all her ten-year-old strength, she swung the chair out and in between the two of them, it smacked Hana in the arm. Not enough to hurt, but enough to prove a point and get in the way.Hana's face was contorted in anger and humiliation as she jumped back from the chair and flinched, she looked constipated. It was funny enough to see, but Miki wasn't done. She laughed, unable to hold it in."You should probably think a little before eating two lunches every day," Another chuckle after it- more like a snort, amusement painting on her face and glimmering in her eyes, it was funny, this was hilarious. Though she was the only one smiling- "You're lookin' kinda chubby lately."Hana made a noise from the back of her throat and reached out. She swatted her hand out to try and hit Miki, but the other was too far- and was too quick as she leaned out of the way. Instantly glaring at the one who’s acting like 'Miss Popular' and kicking the chair forward a bit more.The "back up" girls left before the fight started, tails between their legs as they had nothing to say, and not wanting to get into trouble. Cowards, caught in their act. How embarrassing for them. Hana told Miki if she deleted the photo they'd stop, for good. Miki agreed in a nice manner, letting the sound of deleting the photo echo in the small room conclude the event and bid a more than enthusiastically goodbye to Hana, waving as she left. The classroom was quiet after; the only sound being the ticking of the clock above the chalk board. It was dark now; the sun had gone behind the building across from them- blocking the light. Brooke stood there wonderstruck as Miki turned around and walked up to her. She placed her hands out in offering, handing her lunch back in gentle manner. She returns it to its rightful owner."You were just gonna let them walk out of here?” Miki looks back at the door then back to Brooke, raising an eyebrow, “What were you gonna do for lunch?" she asks, pursing her lips and scratching the back of her head while looking out of the window, Brooke takes the pail with almost hesitance, Miki pushes it into her hands and let’s go- and Brooke nearly drops it.“Cause like,” Miki continues, “I know you don’t go to the cafeteria-“ Brooke’s expression twists,“How do you know that?” She cuts in and asks, Miki just continues talking over her, “No, but seriously, you should have just told them to get a life.” It makes Brooke fold in a little on herself, Miki doesn’t notice yet- or if she has, she continues on anyways,“I can teach you a move that’ll keep them away for good, they would deserve to get pummeled to death.” She chuckles suddenly, and then does some powerhouse kick into the air and flings her arm, it takes Brooke by surprise and the girl moves away with a noise, furrowing her brows. It makes Miki do it again, but she messes up and tries to start over- only making it worse. She has a goofy smile on her face while doing it too.“What the heck is that?” Brooke asks through a snort, Miki laughs loudly in reply, “It’s the move!” She does it again, Brooke busts out in a full laugh,“What move is that?” She questions through chuckles, Miki stops- only to do it again with more emphasis when Brooke focuses her attention back, only to lose it again at that-“It’s the move that will keep them away!”The redhead starts explaining some combat moves in her video game at home, shoving her fists in the air. Brooke had just hugged the new lunch pail to her chest with a smile. Her mom just bought this one for her. That group of girls already stole her last one. They were limited edition. It had been pink, and sparkly, and Brooke would feel bad if she lost this one too; Her mom would have a frown on her face, and that made Brooke sad. Brooke doesn't really know what Miki's going on about anymore, the other girl seems lost in a world of her own, so she just cuts her off."Thank you... I guess owe you now." Brooke says with a voice full of genuity. Her black hair moved from her eyes as she brought her hand up to push it out of the way, tilting her face up to look at the other girl with her big round green eyes. Miki spluttered, not used to the manners and mostly from being cut off. She made some kind of noise as she bounced on the balls of her feet, taking a step away from Brooke and out of their little bubble. It seemed like it was only the two of them in the world, just them, in that classroom. For forever, as if it’s always been them."Hm well," Miki ponders aloud and then laughs through her toothy grin- she was missing one of her bottom teeth. "You can make it up to me by eating lunch with me every day!" A hand was brought up to point in Brooke’s face. Miki’s voice was loud, her eyes wide with joy at the idea. She started waving her hands and telling Brooke about all kinds of foods she’d bring from home, and they could share, she swore Miki started speaking French, but Miki said they can eat right here, every day, in this class room."And I'll make sure they NEVER pick on you again."And she meant it, she was oh so serious, her eyes glinting as she held her phone out for Brookes eyes to see as she skipped through the gallery of pictures on the device. It’s evidence of the past month, Brooke getting her lunch stolen every day, at least she thought it was just her but there are also pictures of Hana antagonizing other students. Her green eyes widened a bit, and Miki gave a devil’s grin. So many thoughts are going through the young Brooke’s head at seeing all those pictures. The pictures aren't that good though, the quality of the camera and the distance rendering it blurry- pixelated.“I’m always late for lunch.” Miki starts with no clarification to that as she closes her flip phone. “And every time I come up here to get it, I always see you getting picked on.”
Brooked hands clenched around her lunch pale, embarrassed. Her face burned as she looked away, staring at the ground.“No more.” Miki said, slamming a hand onto Brooke’s quivering shoulder. It caused the raven to jolt in surprise, “No more. I’ll make sure those girls pay.”There was a pause, Miki came closer- connecting their gaze, “I hate Hana.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Miki dragged Brooke all the way to the principal’s office a while later after their conversation in the classroom. It was just before the bell rang. Other kids were going back to class, Miki was on a mission.“Girls, you can’t go back there.” Their front office lady scolds them, not too harsh as it’s the first warning (it gets ignored), “The bell just rang, go on back to class, okay? If you need something I can see you at the end of the day.” Miki gives the lady a scoff, making sure to grab Brooke and pull her along. Miki passes down the hall, ignoring the woman who is now following them, trying to grab them and pull them back. Miki finds the door she’s looking for and throws them inside.“Mr. Hickox!” She whines, the man looks up from his desk where he is finishing his own lunch. His eyes bulge and he looks at the girls and then to the lady, his expression reads ’get them out of here! But Miki plants herself into the chair across from his desk and ushers Brooke to sit in the other, she feels uncomfortable being here especially with the desk lady mad at them now.“Miki, your lunch just ended, if you have something you need to discuss with me again- you know you can come find me after class ends.” He sighs, the ‘again’ and the tone of voice he gives her tells Brooke that this isn’t the first interaction they have had. “Mr. Hickox!” Miki says again, louder while shaking her head, “This is an emergency, it can’t wait until the end of the day.”
He sighs again, dabbing his face with a napkin and wiping his hands, he sets it down and moves his food away. He doesn’t seem completely interested- not even at least concerned, just exhausted. He looks up and dismisses the woman that nagged them coming in and as she leaves asks the girls, “What is so important that you need to interrupt my lunch time?”The young girl rips her phone out, opening it to get the pictures ready- “Miya! You know my policy on phones! Did you bring that in here just to get it taken away-““Mr. HICKOX! Look at all of this!” She puts her other hand up to stop him, ignores him, completely starts talking over him, Brooke fidgets in her seat, finding it a little amusing but also feeling out of place. Miki is flipping through the photos, pointing out and explaining each one. He had gone silent, listening, and taking in the information since Miki had so much of it. She was nearly in hysterics at certain points.When she got to telling them about Brooke’s story, Miki exaggerated it a bit. It wasn’t fully stretched, but Brooke was uncomfortable with the lies. For example she said they were also stealing her work and ruining it and also that they were putting gum in her hair.A lot of those things never happened. Well, maybe they did to other kids… Sometimes the girls did rough her up a bit. So with that, Brooke was confused, she didn't know why Miki would make up lies when it’s already as bad as it is... but she had faith, so she kept quiet. There had to be a reason; she herself did want the girls to get in trouble, she wanted it to be over. What gets her the most is how it could add up because it was true, Brooke wasn't turning in all of her assignments- but it didn't have anything to do with the girls that were stealing her lunch at school. She was just-"Well, Brooke, is it true? Have they been bullying you? It's okay, you can tell me. The adults will make sure the situation doesn't escalate further." Their principal asked, cutting Miki off and trying to read Brooke’s expression directly to find out if Miki was lying. Also trying to get the rowdy redhead to just shut up already. Brooke just nodded solemnly, a more saddened look appearing on her face. She thinks of the look her mom gave her when she came home in tears, crying about how they stole her new favorite lunch pail. “Of course, they are!” Miki agrees, crossing her arms.Hickox sighs once more, picking up his pen and asking for the names of the girls. Miki gives a few, but Brooke gives most of the other girl’s names."You know, I heard from other girls they were gonna jump her in the bathroom!" Miki wailed to the principal suddenly, "Beat her up! Can you believe this? I'm almost too scared to hang around Brooke in case I get bullied next! I don't want that! Those girls have been picking on everyone…" She slammed her hands on his desk, her eyes wide and frantic, fake frantic, but still frantic none the less... "Especially that Hana from the other grade- Hana Davidson- you know the one with the blonde hair? Don't you know she's dating a high schooler?! She threatened to sick him and his friends on us. Like a dog! I'm scared principal, I'm scared at this school. It isn't a safe environment..."Miki continued, not letting the principal get a word in edge wise, but he was too taken back by the information load to do anything. He sits for a second, taking in all this newly added on information, information that goes from zero to one hundred."ENOUGH!” Hickox snaps, “I understand! Thank you for telling me and bringing this issue to my attention, class is almost over now, so for now- just return to your classrooms, I will deal with this problem." He huffed out, flustered with a hand over his face, sending Miki and Brooke out of his office with a final, “And no cell phones during school hours!”It was quiet, neither of the girls had said anything on the way back to their classroom, Miki walked with a kick in her step and a grin on her face, her steps were clunky. She was feeling good, terrific even. Brooke clasped her hands in front of her and kept her head down, glancing at Miki from the corner of her eye ever so often,"Do you always do that?" Brooke spluttered out quietly, almost a mumble. Miki slowed her pace a bit, giving the shorter girl a look, a look that innocently screamed 'I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.' She looked almost puzzled through her accomplished aura. Miki shrugs her shoulders slowly, a lopsided grin still on her face as she blinks slowly."You know," Brooke started, stopping walking all together, and looking up at Miki fully. "lie."That’s what makes Miki laugh out loud, and then it was quiet again. Miki hadn’t replied right away, she just turned her gaze to the window of the hallway, no one was outside, no kids playing, no teachers, no yard duty. Everyone was in their classrooms, where the two of them should be. Instead, they were together, away from it all."I didn't lie." Miki finally states out. It took Brooke off guard, and she jolted from the volume of the girl’s voice. Which was loud, just for a statement. Miki gestured her hands in the air, trying to give as much emphasis as she could manage, "I was simply telling the truth of another world!”Brooke gives her a dumb-found look. They were children after all. What does that even mean? Miki’s shoulders deflate a little at Brooke’s expression, she takes in a big gulp of air.“Okay- I twisted the story a little. A LITTLE!” The girl expresses, “But I’m sure they would have started doing that stuff to you anyways.” Miki pauses, biting her lip, “They were picking on other people too, and bullying just escalates until someone steps in, we’re close to middle school." Miki pouted and pointed a finger at Brooke, who was confused at the mention of middle school,"You went along with it.” She smirks at Brooke, whose eyes widen, “You’re just as much as a liar as I am.” Miki giggled a little. She reached over and grabbed Brooked hand to start dragging her along to the classroom, she swings them between-"We have-ta stick together now, only we know the truth.” She laughs and gives Brooke another crazy smile and putting her finger over her mouth in the shh motion.Brooke could tell it was a joke but ironically, they did end up staying together for a long, long time after that. Lucky for them, that truth never came out, Hana was transferred out and the other girls were just back up for her, probably scared of saying no to the girl, so they went back to their own lives, never batting an eye at Brooke. Though they got a warning, and a few of them got suspended. There was no more drama in elementary school, not for them at least.Her mind always floated back to Miki, a kid who she’d never met- only shared class with. Someone so random would lie and steal and cheat just to make sure Brooke wasn't being picked on anymore... It made her feel special. They didn't even know each other, but it felt like they did in a sense. Brooke felt safe, she was protected, even if Miki was possibly a compulsive liar. Brooke figured it was okay since the other was lying for her sake. Lying for the greater good. Besides, if worse came to worse, she could keep Miki out of trouble. Brooke smiled as she twisted her hand in Miki's so they could hold hands, and catching up beside her instead of lagging behind so that they could walk to the classroom with their hands intertwined between them, swinging delicately.“Oh,” Miki says as they reach their classroom, “But that part about her going out with a highschooler?” They both make a face at the sentence,“Yeah…” She offers a laugh to Brooke, “That was true.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖Miki was absent for days after that, for a whole entire week. Brooke didn't know why. The days were long, and Brooke spent the entire time either looking for Miki, or just staring at her empty desk. She wondered if the other girl got suspended and was starting to feel guilty. Miki did eventually show up to school, though, giving her a toothy grin and a thumbs up that same morning. She had gone to stay with her grandparents and there was another tooth missing from her bottom set, leaving her with a bigger gap than before. Brooke had already lost all her baby teeth, apparently those were the last of Miki’s. She must have been a late bloomer.They did in fact eat lunch together that day, and every day after that; spending recess playing in the grass, but nothing more. School friends who had each other's backs, hung out all day, got in trouble for talking during class. Eventually they shared home phone numbers and would call over the landline when they were at home- doing their homework together and other things. Eventually the teacher even had to move their desks apart. It didn’t work though, they still found ways to talk during class, much to the teacher’s displeasure.Slowly but surely the two become inseparable, it would slowly build up, until each of them couldn’t bear to be without the other. It would slowly build up into something one could call love.☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺
chap 3
broken helmet
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☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺
chap 4
farm animals
☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺
chap 2
nails on a chalk board
☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Elementary school. 2008.It was the sound of nails on a chalkboard that caught everyone’s attention, stopping them all with a startle. The loud, ear-piercing, mind-numbing noise vibrated around the room. It was the screeching that would cause your whole body to shrivel and cringe. You can only imagine how it feels for the person’s nails being sacrificed.The group of girls turned their heads, flinching at the noise while some covered their ears and cried out from the cringe that's sending shivers down their spine, "Stop!" one yelled out,The noise continues, rapidly intensifying as the person doing it adds two hands, clawing at the board like a cat- she laughs."What do you want, Miki?" Another hissed, "Yeah can’t you see we're busy? Beat it kid." The oldest girl chimed in finally. Miki looks over at the girl, her hands on her hips and her blonde hair swaying behind her as the girl puts up a cocky front. The noise intensified- and then with one last screech, the nails were removed from the dusty green board, four very shallow nail marks embedded in the wall of the blackboard stood stared back. It maybe wasn’t super damaged, but it looked bad since the board was covered in dust. The teacher wasn’t going to be happy. Miki snickers to herself, she’ll have to buff away the evidence with the eraser."Aren't you from the other building… er,” Miki stops to think for a second, “Hana? What’cha doing all the way in my classroom?" she asks, feigning innocent curiosity while picking the grime from the board out from under her nails- and suddenly seeming bored as she wipes it on her black dress; leaving a trail of white dusty residue to smear all down her torso. She didn't seem to mind though. Looking up to face the group, she stood there proudly, her mid-shoulder length red hair sticking up in every direction, her dress rumpled, one sock black and the other white, eye catching through her slip on mary-jane shoes.'Hana' scoffs, her arms crossed over her chest as she blows her blond hair from her face, "So what? I go to this school too; I can be wherever I want."Miki takes a few steps towards the group of elementary school kids, save for Hana who was in her 6th year, 2 grades up from every kid in the room."Be a shame if I told someone you're bullying an pickin’ on the younger grade." Miki simply shrugged, a flip phone suddenly in her hand that she pulled from her pocket, glimmering in the afternoon sunlight that was coming through the blinds of their classroom window. She lifted the phone, and the sound of a camera was heard, one, two, click and flash.The picture included a girl sitting on the floor, the girls standing all around her. It wasn’t good quality, by any means.Hana clenched her fist and grit her teeth after the flash, glaring at Miki and she walked closer, the other girls behind her standing up on their guard; finally backing off the other kid they had cornered. That same girl took her chance to get up, her back pressed against the classroom shelf as she watched the girls surround Miki, like a pack of wolves- just as they were just doing to her. She recognizes Miki as the two of them shared the same class.The girl’s thoughts spin as she believes Miki will be next now, she bites down on her lip with her green eyes downcast to the floor, only seeing their shoes scuffle on the ground up ahead of her. Her black hair covers her face. She feels her body fill with guilt, wishing she didn’t come to school today. Miki was only being nice by trying to help-"Delete it, Miki, we aren't even doing anything. Just having a little chat, see? Isn't that right, Brooke?" Hana says coolly, her pride over-pouring through the tone of her voice. It’s so fake. Brooke glanced up at her name, seeing Miki tilt her head and poke her eyesight through two of the obnoxious girls, locking eyes with Brooke.“Oh really?” Miki croons.They just stared, green clashing against blue. Brooke didn't utter a single word and Miki just blinked back at her. Brooke brought her hand up to grasp onto her bicep, a shy habit she had, and broke her eye contact with Miki. Those cold blue eyes seemed to look right through her, it made her somewhat uncomfortable. Miki just looked back to the sixth grader and her group of followers, eyes narrowing but her smile widening. Her hand is clenching the flip phone."Got that?" Hana sneers, “Just having a chat.” She makes sure to smile after saying it, as if it’s no problem. And then she walks closer to Miki and puts her hands back on her hips as she leans over the younger girl. She was a good five inches taller than Miki, who hasn't hit her growth spurt yet. Miki just looked up, unphased by the looming shadow above her, not scared of the older girl nor of the difference in size. Hana spat next to the Mary-jane shoes adorning Miki's feet. The wood next to where Miki stood glistened as the spit splattered on the ground, Miki even felt some get on her shin, she grimaced. The other girls laughed. Hana gestures to the spit, looking at it and then back to Miki, threatening; “Delete the photo, or we’re going to have a problem.”It’s said so simply, as if there isn’t already a problem. Miki looks down at the spit on the ground. Talk about gross.The girls started to walk out of the classroom, their heads high on their shoulder as if the world belonged to them. What makes them feel so good? They didn’t even do anything cool or impressive, none the less intimidating. Miki smeared the spit on the floor with the tip of her shoe, looking at the back of the blonde head of the girl, her eyes narrowing in disgust. She can’t help but chuckle a little- she finds some sarcasm to lace her words with- maybe she’s just trying to sound tough, "Oh yeah? Is that so?”Miki wouldn't say she sounded intimidating back then, she was just a baby. Standing up for someone who she saw in her own classroom every day, someone she possibly copied test answers from occasionally. Maybe even the girl whose homework she stole and changed the name because she knew that this girl would have the right answers. (It’s her secret) The quiet kid, who even the teacher rarely picked to answer a question even though she sits practically in the front row. Miki didn't want to meddle in their drama, she didn't want to be caught up in something as superficial as 'bullying', but it didn't stop her from getting upset, watching those girls grab Brooke’s lunch from her, and taunt it over her head. As if they owned the place- no, as if they owned her. Miki scowled, muttering under her breath, “Low life bitches. ”Only a fifth grader and she already had such a filthy mouth, Miki was always hanging around the wrong people. She knows the soap bar well enough. A child like her had no rhyme, no reason, to be filled with such distaste for everything. Her frail body shouldn’t be able to handle it, shouldn’t have been able to produce it. At least not yet. Maybe it was just her sense of justice…Miki’s sense of judgment.The girls stopped at the door, peering back inside to see what Miki could possibly have to say to them. It had only been a second, and yet, Miki was now standing in front of them, bent over a little and looking up at them in a funny way,"So why are you guys taking her lunch then?" she asked, a grin adorning her freckled face, It fully reached her eyes, and the snark was biting through Hana's ego. She faltered, giving a look of distaste and then she scoffed. Miki's eyes flickered to the lunch pail in the bully's hands, and then back up to lock eyes with her- they narrow in hatred at the middle schooler."We didn’t take anything. She gave it to me, right Brookie?” The warm nickname that had only ever been used with Brooke by her family, was now being sneered at her like an insult."Oh! So, it was a gift?" Miki barely waits for Hana to finish the sentence, not even waiting for Brooke's reply to the fake question- not that the girl would, she’s not even sure if her voice box works. Miki laughs, “That’s so nice of you Brooke, really.”Hana makes a noise, eyebrows furrowing in on confusion."Then if it's not yours, I can have it." Miki decides with a big smile, swiping the lunch pail out of Hana's hands and jumping a few steps back before the other girl could get to her.Hana did try to reach forward, to grab it back; but Miki was too quick. She used her foot and locked it under the back leg of the chair that was closest to her. Using all her ten-year-old strength, she swung the chair out and in between the two of them, it smacked Hana in the arm. Not enough to hurt, but enough to prove a point and get in the way.Hana's face was contorted in anger and humiliation as she jumped back from the chair and flinched, she looked constipated. It was funny enough to see, but Miki wasn't done. She laughed, unable to hold it in."You should probably think a little before eating two lunches every day," Another chuckle after it- more like a snort, amusement painting on her face and glimmering in her eyes, it was funny, this was hilarious. Though she was the only one smiling- "You're lookin' kinda chubby lately."Hana made a noise from the back of her throat and reached out. She swatted her hand out to try and hit Miki, but the other was too far- and was too quick as she leaned out of the way. Instantly glaring at the one who’s acting like 'Miss Popular' and kicking the chair forward a bit more.The "back up" girls left before the fight started, tails between their legs as they had nothing to say, and not wanting to get into trouble. Cowards, caught in their act. How embarrassing for them. Hana told Miki if she deleted the photo they'd stop, for good. Miki agreed in a nice manner, letting the sound of deleting the photo echo in the small room conclude the event and bid a more than enthusiastically goodbye to Hana, waving as she left. The classroom was quiet after; the only sound being the ticking of the clock above the chalk board. It was dark now; the sun had gone behind the building across from them- blocking the light. Brooke stood there wonderstruck as Miki turned around and walked up to her. She placed her hands out in offering, handing her lunch back in gentle manner. She returns it to its rightful owner."You were just gonna let them walk out of here?” Miki looks back at the door then back to Brooke, raising an eyebrow, “What were you gonna do for lunch?" she asks, pursing her lips and scratching the back of her head while looking out of the window, Brooke takes the pail with almost hesitance, Miki pushes it into her hands and let’s go- and Brooke nearly drops it.“Cause like,” Miki continues, “I know you don’t go to the cafeteria-“ Brooke’s expression twists,“How do you know that?” She cuts in and asks, Miki just continues talking over her, “No, but seriously, you should have just told them to get a life.” It makes Brooke fold in a little on herself, Miki doesn’t notice yet- or if she has, she continues on anyways,“I can teach you a move that’ll keep them away for good, they would deserve to get pummeled to death.” She chuckles suddenly, and then does some powerhouse kick into the air and flings her arm, it takes Brooke by surprise and the girl moves away with a noise, furrowing her brows. It makes Miki do it again, but she messes up and tries to start over- only making it worse. She has a goofy smile on her face while doing it too.“What the heck is that?” Brooke asks through a snort, Miki laughs loudly in reply, “It’s the move!” She does it again, Brooke busts out in a full laugh,“What move is that?” She questions through chuckles, Miki stops- only to do it again with more emphasis when Brooke focuses her attention back, only to lose it again at that-“It’s the move that will keep them away!”The redhead starts explaining some combat moves in her video game at home, shoving her fists in the air. Brooke had just hugged the new lunch pail to her chest with a smile. Her mom just bought this one for her. That group of girls already stole her last one. They were limited edition. It had been pink, and sparkly, and Brooke would feel bad if she lost this one too; Her mom would have a frown on her face, and that made Brooke sad. Brooke doesn't really know what Miki's going on about anymore, the other girl seems lost in a world of her own, so she just cuts her off."Thank you... I guess owe you now." Brooke says with a voice full of genuity. Her black hair moved from her eyes as she brought her hand up to push it out of the way, tilting her face up to look at the other girl with her big round green eyes. Miki spluttered, not used to the manners and mostly from being cut off. She made some kind of noise as she bounced on the balls of her feet, taking a step away from Brooke and out of their little bubble. It seemed like it was only the two of them in the world, just them, in that classroom. For forever, as if it’s always been them."Hm well," Miki ponders aloud and then laughs through her toothy grin- she was missing one of her bottom teeth. "You can make it up to me by eating lunch with me every day!" A hand was brought up to point in Brooke’s face. Miki’s voice was loud, her eyes wide with joy at the idea. She started waving her hands and telling Brooke about all kinds of foods she’d bring from home, and they could share, she swore Miki started speaking French, but Miki said they can eat right here, every day, in this class room."And I'll make sure they NEVER pick on you again."And she meant it, she was oh so serious, her eyes glinting as she held her phone out for Brookes eyes to see as she skipped through the gallery of pictures on the device. It’s evidence of the past month, Brooke getting her lunch stolen every day, at least she thought it was just her but there are also pictures of Hana antagonizing other students. Her green eyes widened a bit, and Miki gave a devil’s grin. So many thoughts are going through the young Brooke’s head at seeing all those pictures. The pictures aren't that good though, the quality of the camera and the distance rendering it blurry- pixelated.“I’m always late for lunch.” Miki starts with no clarification to that as she closes her flip phone. “And every time I come up here to get it, I always see you getting picked on.”
Brooked hands clenched around her lunch pale, embarrassed. Her face burned as she looked away, staring at the ground.“No more.” Miki said, slamming a hand onto Brooke’s quivering shoulder. It caused the raven to jolt in surprise, “No more. I’ll make sure those girls pay.”There was a pause, Miki came closer- connecting their gaze, “I hate Hana.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Miki dragged Brooke all the way to the principal’s office a while later after their conversation in the classroom. It was just before the bell rang. Other kids were going back to class, Miki was on a mission.“Girls, you can’t go back there.” Their front office lady scolds them, not too harsh as it’s the first warning (it gets ignored), “The bell just rang, go on back to class, okay? If you need something I can see you at the end of the day.” Miki gives the lady a scoff, making sure to grab Brooke and pull her along. Miki passes down the hall, ignoring the woman who is now following them, trying to grab them and pull them back. Miki finds the door she’s looking for and throws them inside.“Mr. Hickox!” She whines, the man looks up from his desk where he is finishing his own lunch. His eyes bulge and he looks at the girls and then to the lady, his expression reads ’get them out of here! But Miki plants herself into the chair across from his desk and ushers Brooke to sit in the other, she feels uncomfortable being here especially with the desk lady mad at them now.“Miki, your lunch just ended, if you have something you need to discuss with me again- you know you can come find me after class ends.” He sighs, the ‘again’ and the tone of voice he gives her tells Brooke that this isn’t the first interaction they have had. “Mr. Hickox!” Miki says again, louder while shaking her head, “This is an emergency, it can’t wait until the end of the day.”
He sighs again, dabbing his face with a napkin and wiping his hands, he sets it down and moves his food away. He doesn’t seem completely interested- not even at least concerned, just exhausted. He looks up and dismisses the woman that nagged them coming in and as she leaves asks the girls, “What is so important that you need to interrupt my lunch time?”The young girl rips her phone out, opening it to get the pictures ready- “Miya! You know my policy on phones! Did you bring that in here just to get it taken away-““Mr. HICKOX! Look at all of this!” She puts her other hand up to stop him, ignores him, completely starts talking over him, Brooke fidgets in her seat, finding it a little amusing but also feeling out of place. Miki is flipping through the photos, pointing out and explaining each one. He had gone silent, listening, and taking in the information since Miki had so much of it. She was nearly in hysterics at certain points.When she got to telling them about Brooke’s story, Miki exaggerated it a bit. It wasn’t fully stretched, but Brooke was uncomfortable with the lies. For example she said they were also stealing her work and ruining it and also that they were putting gum in her hair.A lot of those things never happened. Well, maybe they did to other kids… Sometimes the girls did rough her up a bit. So with that, Brooke was confused, she didn't know why Miki would make up lies when it’s already as bad as it is... but she had faith, so she kept quiet. There had to be a reason; she herself did want the girls to get in trouble, she wanted it to be over. What gets her the most is how it could add up because it was true, Brooke wasn't turning in all of her assignments- but it didn't have anything to do with the girls that were stealing her lunch at school. She was just-"Well, Brooke, is it true? Have they been bullying you? It's okay, you can tell me. The adults will make sure the situation doesn't escalate further." Their principal asked, cutting Miki off and trying to read Brooke’s expression directly to find out if Miki was lying. Also trying to get the rowdy redhead to just shut up already. Brooke just nodded solemnly, a more saddened look appearing on her face. She thinks of the look her mom gave her when she came home in tears, crying about how they stole her new favorite lunch pail. “Of course, they are!” Miki agrees, crossing her arms.Hickox sighs once more, picking up his pen and asking for the names of the girls. Miki gives a few, but Brooke gives most of the other girl’s names."You know, I heard from other girls they were gonna jump her in the bathroom!" Miki wailed to the principal suddenly, "Beat her up! Can you believe this? I'm almost too scared to hang around Brooke in case I get bullied next! I don't want that! Those girls have been picking on everyone…" She slammed her hands on his desk, her eyes wide and frantic, fake frantic, but still frantic none the less... "Especially that Hana from the other grade- Hana Davidson- you know the one with the blonde hair? Don't you know she's dating a high schooler?! She threatened to sick him and his friends on us. Like a dog! I'm scared principal, I'm scared at this school. It isn't a safe environment..."Miki continued, not letting the principal get a word in edge wise, but he was too taken back by the information load to do anything. He sits for a second, taking in all this newly added on information, information that goes from zero to one hundred."ENOUGH!” Hickox snaps, “I understand! Thank you for telling me and bringing this issue to my attention, class is almost over now, so for now- just return to your classrooms, I will deal with this problem." He huffed out, flustered with a hand over his face, sending Miki and Brooke out of his office with a final, “And no cell phones during school hours!”It was quiet, neither of the girls had said anything on the way back to their classroom, Miki walked with a kick in her step and a grin on her face, her steps were clunky. She was feeling good, terrific even. Brooke clasped her hands in front of her and kept her head down, glancing at Miki from the corner of her eye ever so often,"Do you always do that?" Brooke spluttered out quietly, almost a mumble. Miki slowed her pace a bit, giving the shorter girl a look, a look that innocently screamed 'I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.' She looked almost puzzled through her accomplished aura. Miki shrugs her shoulders slowly, a lopsided grin still on her face as she blinks slowly."You know," Brooke started, stopping walking all together, and looking up at Miki fully. "lie."That’s what makes Miki laugh out loud, and then it was quiet again. Miki hadn’t replied right away, she just turned her gaze to the window of the hallway, no one was outside, no kids playing, no teachers, no yard duty. Everyone was in their classrooms, where the two of them should be. Instead, they were together, away from it all."I didn't lie." Miki finally states out. It took Brooke off guard, and she jolted from the volume of the girl’s voice. Which was loud, just for a statement. Miki gestured her hands in the air, trying to give as much emphasis as she could manage, "I was simply telling the truth of another world!”Brooke gives her a dumb-found look. They were children after all. What does that even mean? Miki’s shoulders deflate a little at Brooke’s expression, she takes in a big gulp of air.“Okay- I twisted the story a little. A LITTLE!” The girl expresses, “But I’m sure they would have started doing that stuff to you anyways.” Miki pauses, biting her lip, “They were picking on other people too, and bullying just escalates until someone steps in, we’re close to middle school." Miki pouted and pointed a finger at Brooke, who was confused at the mention of middle school,"You went along with it.” She smirks at Brooke, whose eyes widen, “You’re just as much as a liar as I am.” Miki giggled a little. She reached over and grabbed Brooked hand to start dragging her along to the classroom, she swings them between-"We have-ta stick together now, only we know the truth.” She laughs and gives Brooke another crazy smile and putting her finger over her mouth in the shh motion.Brooke could tell it was a joke but ironically, they did end up staying together for a long, long time after that. Lucky for them, that truth never came out, Hana was transferred out and the other girls were just back up for her, probably scared of saying no to the girl, so they went back to their own lives, never batting an eye at Brooke. Though they got a warning, and a few of them got suspended. There was no more drama in elementary school, not for them at least.Her mind always floated back to Miki, a kid who she’d never met- only shared class with. Someone so random would lie and steal and cheat just to make sure Brooke wasn't being picked on anymore... It made her feel special. They didn't even know each other, but it felt like they did in a sense. Brooke felt safe, she was protected, even if Miki was possibly a compulsive liar. Brooke figured it was okay since the other was lying for her sake. Lying for the greater good. Besides, if worse came to worse, she could keep Miki out of trouble. Brooke smiled as she twisted her hand in Miki's so they could hold hands, and catching up beside her instead of lagging behind so that they could walk to the classroom with their hands intertwined between them, swinging delicately.“Oh,” Miki says as they reach their classroom, “But that part about her going out with a highschooler?” They both make a face at the sentence,“Yeah…” She offers a laugh to Brooke, “That was true.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖Miki was absent for days after that, for a whole entire week. Brooke didn't know why. The days were long, and Brooke spent the entire time either looking for Miki, or just staring at her empty desk. She wondered if the other girl got suspended and was starting to feel guilty. Miki did eventually show up to school, though, giving her a toothy grin and a thumbs up that same morning. She had gone to stay with her grandparents and there was another tooth missing from her bottom set, leaving her with a bigger gap than before. Brooke had already lost all her baby teeth, apparently those were the last of Miki’s. She must have been a late bloomer.They did in fact eat lunch together that day, and every day after that; spending recess playing in the grass, but nothing more. School friends who had each other's backs, hung out all day, got in trouble for talking during class. Eventually they shared home phone numbers and would call over the landline when they were at home- doing their homework together and other things. Eventually the teacher even had to move their desks apart. It didn’t work though, they still found ways to talk during class, much to the teacher’s displeasure.Slowly but surely the two become inseparable, it would slowly build up, until each of them couldn’t bear to be without the other. It would slowly build up into something one could call love.☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺
chap 2
nails on a chalk board
☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Elementary school. 2008.It was the sound of nails on a chalkboard that caught everyone’s attention, stopping them all with a startle. The loud, ear-piercing, mind-numbing noise vibrated around the room. It was the screeching that would cause your whole body to shrivel and cringe. You can only imagine how it feels for the person’s nails being sacrificed.The group of girls turned their heads, flinching at the noise while some covered their ears and cried out from the cringe that's sending shivers down their spine, "Stop!" one yelled out,The noise continues, rapidly intensifying as the person doing it adds two hands, clawing at the board like a cat- she laughs."What do you want, Miki?" Another hissed, "Yeah can’t you see we're busy? Beat it kid." The oldest girl chimed in finally. Miki looks over at the girl, her hands on her hips and her blonde hair swaying behind her as the girl puts up a cocky front. The noise intensified- and then with one last screech, the nails were removed from the dusty green board, four very shallow nail marks embedded in the wall of the blackboard stood stared back. It maybe wasn’t super damaged, but it looked bad since the board was covered in dust. The teacher wasn’t going to be happy. Miki snickers to herself, she’ll have to buff away the evidence with the eraser."Aren't you from the other building… er,” Miki stops to think for a second, “Hana? What’cha doing all the way in my classroom?" she asks, feigning innocent curiosity while picking the grime from the board out from under her nails- and suddenly seeming bored as she wipes it on her black dress; leaving a trail of white dusty residue to smear all down her torso. She didn't seem to mind though. Looking up to face the group, she stood there proudly, her mid-shoulder length red hair sticking up in every direction, her dress rumpled, one sock black and the other white, eye catching through her slip on mary-jane shoes.'Hana' scoffs, her arms crossed over her chest as she blows her blond hair from her face, "So what? I go to this school too; I can be wherever I want."Miki takes a few steps towards the group of elementary school kids, save for Hana who was in her 6th year, 2 grades up from every kid in the room."Be a shame if I told someone you're bullying an pickin’ on the younger grade." Miki simply shrugged, a flip phone suddenly in her hand that she pulled from her pocket, glimmering in the afternoon sunlight that was coming through the blinds of their classroom window. She lifted the phone, and the sound of a camera was heard, one, two, click and flash.The picture included a girl sitting on the floor, the girls standing all around her. It wasn’t good quality, by any means.Hana clenched her fist and grit her teeth after the flash, glaring at Miki and she walked closer, the other girls behind her standing up on their guard; finally backing off the other kid they had cornered. That same girl took her chance to get up, her back pressed against the classroom shelf as she watched the girls surround Miki, like a pack of wolves- just as they were just doing to her. She recognizes Miki as the two of them shared the same class.The girl’s thoughts spin as she believes Miki will be next now, she bites down on her lip with her green eyes downcast to the floor, only seeing their shoes scuffle on the ground up ahead of her. Her black hair covers her face. She feels her body fill with guilt, wishing she didn’t come to school today. Miki was only being nice by trying to help-"Delete it, Miki, we aren't even doing anything. Just having a little chat, see? Isn't that right, Brooke?" Hana says coolly, her pride over-pouring through the tone of her voice. It’s so fake. Brooke glanced up at her name, seeing Miki tilt her head and poke her eyesight through two of the obnoxious girls, locking eyes with Brooke.“Oh really?” Miki croons.They just stared, green clashing against blue. Brooke didn't utter a single word and Miki just blinked back at her. Brooke brought her hand up to grasp onto her bicep, a shy habit she had, and broke her eye contact with Miki. Those cold blue eyes seemed to look right through her, it made her somewhat uncomfortable. Miki just looked back to the sixth grader and her group of followers, eyes narrowing but her smile widening. Her hand is clenching the flip phone."Got that?" Hana sneers, “Just having a chat.” She makes sure to smile after saying it, as if it’s no problem. And then she walks closer to Miki and puts her hands back on her hips as she leans over the younger girl. She was a good five inches taller than Miki, who hasn't hit her growth spurt yet. Miki just looked up, unphased by the looming shadow above her, not scared of the older girl nor of the difference in size. Hana spat next to the Mary-jane shoes adorning Miki's feet. The wood next to where Miki stood glistened as the spit splattered on the ground, Miki even felt some get on her shin, she grimaced. The other girls laughed. Hana gestures to the spit, looking at it and then back to Miki, threatening; “Delete the photo, or we’re going to have a problem.”It’s said so simply, as if there isn’t already a problem. Miki looks down at the spit on the ground. Talk about gross.The girls started to walk out of the classroom, their heads high on their shoulder as if the world belonged to them. What makes them feel so good? They didn’t even do anything cool or impressive, none the less intimidating. Miki smeared the spit on the floor with the tip of her shoe, looking at the back of the blonde head of the girl, her eyes narrowing in disgust. She can’t help but chuckle a little- she finds some sarcasm to lace her words with- maybe she’s just trying to sound tough, "Oh yeah? Is that so?”Miki wouldn't say she sounded intimidating back then, she was just a baby. Standing up for someone who she saw in her own classroom every day, someone she possibly copied test answers from occasionally. Maybe even the girl whose homework she stole and changed the name because she knew that this girl would have the right answers. (It’s her secret) The quiet kid, who even the teacher rarely picked to answer a question even though she sits practically in the front row. Miki didn't want to meddle in their drama, she didn't want to be caught up in something as superficial as 'bullying', but it didn't stop her from getting upset, watching those girls grab Brooke’s lunch from her, and taunt it over her head. As if they owned the place- no, as if they owned her. Miki scowled, muttering under her breath, “Low life bitches. ”Only a fifth grader and she already had such a filthy mouth, Miki was always hanging around the wrong people. She knows the soap bar well enough. A child like her had no rhyme, no reason, to be filled with such distaste for everything. Her frail body shouldn’t be able to handle it, shouldn’t have been able to produce it. At least not yet. Maybe it was just her sense of justice…Miki’s sense of judgment.The girls stopped at the door, peering back inside to see what Miki could possibly have to say to them. It had only been a second, and yet, Miki was now standing in front of them, bent over a little and looking up at them in a funny way,"So why are you guys taking her lunch then?" she asked, a grin adorning her freckled face, It fully reached her eyes, and the snark was biting through Hana's ego. She faltered, giving a look of distaste and then she scoffed. Miki's eyes flickered to the lunch pail in the bully's hands, and then back up to lock eyes with her- they narrow in hatred at the middle schooler."We didn’t take anything. She gave it to me, right Brookie?” The warm nickname that had only ever been used with Brooke by her family, was now being sneered at her like an insult."Oh! So, it was a gift?" Miki barely waits for Hana to finish the sentence, not even waiting for Brooke's reply to the fake question- not that the girl would, she’s not even sure if her voice box works. Miki laughs, “That’s so nice of you Brooke, really.”Hana makes a noise, eyebrows furrowing in on confusion."Then if it's not yours, I can have it." Miki decides with a big smile, swiping the lunch pail out of Hana's hands and jumping a few steps back before the other girl could get to her.Hana did try to reach forward, to grab it back; but Miki was too quick. She used her foot and locked it under the back leg of the chair that was closest to her. Using all her ten-year-old strength, she swung the chair out and in between the two of them, it smacked Hana in the arm. Not enough to hurt, but enough to prove a point and get in the way.Hana's face was contorted in anger and humiliation as she jumped back from the chair and flinched, she looked constipated. It was funny enough to see, but Miki wasn't done. She laughed, unable to hold it in."You should probably think a little before eating two lunches every day," Another chuckle after it- more like a snort, amusement painting on her face and glimmering in her eyes, it was funny, this was hilarious. Though she was the only one smiling- "You're lookin' kinda chubby lately."Hana made a noise from the back of her throat and reached out. She swatted her hand out to try and hit Miki, but the other was too far- and was too quick as she leaned out of the way. Instantly glaring at the one who’s acting like 'Miss Popular' and kicking the chair forward a bit more.The "back up" girls left before the fight started, tails between their legs as they had nothing to say, and not wanting to get into trouble. Cowards, caught in their act. How embarrassing for them. Hana told Miki if she deleted the photo they'd stop, for good. Miki agreed in a nice manner, letting the sound of deleting the photo echo in the small room conclude the event and bid a more than enthusiastically goodbye to Hana, waving as she left. The classroom was quiet after; the only sound being the ticking of the clock above the chalk board. It was dark now; the sun had gone behind the building across from them- blocking the light. Brooke stood there wonderstruck as Miki turned around and walked up to her. She placed her hands out in offering, handing her lunch back in gentle manner. She returns it to its rightful owner."You were just gonna let them walk out of here?” Miki looks back at the door then back to Brooke, raising an eyebrow, “What were you gonna do for lunch?" she asks, pursing her lips and scratching the back of her head while looking out of the window, Brooke takes the pail with almost hesitance, Miki pushes it into her hands and let’s go- and Brooke nearly drops it.“Cause like,” Miki continues, “I know you don’t go to the cafeteria-“ Brooke’s expression twists,“How do you know that?” She cuts in and asks, Miki just continues talking over her, “No, but seriously, you should have just told them to get a life.” It makes Brooke fold in a little on herself, Miki doesn’t notice yet- or if she has, she continues on anyways,“I can teach you a move that’ll keep them away for good, they would deserve to get pummeled to death.” She chuckles suddenly, and then does some powerhouse kick into the air and flings her arm, it takes Brooke by surprise and the girl moves away with a noise, furrowing her brows. It makes Miki do it again, but she messes up and tries to start over- only making it worse. She has a goofy smile on her face while doing it too.“What the heck is that?” Brooke asks through a snort, Miki laughs loudly in reply, “It’s the move!” She does it again, Brooke busts out in a full laugh,“What move is that?” She questions through chuckles, Miki stops- only to do it again with more emphasis when Brooke focuses her attention back, only to lose it again at that-“It’s the move that will keep them away!”The redhead starts explaining some combat moves in her video game at home, shoving her fists in the air. Brooke had just hugged the new lunch pail to her chest with a smile. Her mom just bought this one for her. That group of girls already stole her last one. They were limited edition. It had been pink, and sparkly, and Brooke would feel bad if she lost this one too; Her mom would have a frown on her face, and that made Brooke sad. Brooke doesn't really know what Miki's going on about anymore, the other girl seems lost in a world of her own, so she just cuts her off."Thank you... I guess owe you now." Brooke says with a voice full of genuity. Her black hair moved from her eyes as she brought her hand up to push it out of the way, tilting her face up to look at the other girl with her big round green eyes. Miki spluttered, not used to the manners and mostly from being cut off. She made some kind of noise as she bounced on the balls of her feet, taking a step away from Brooke and out of their little bubble. It seemed like it was only the two of them in the world, just them, in that classroom. For forever, as if it’s always been them."Hm well," Miki ponders aloud and then laughs through her toothy grin- she was missing one of her bottom teeth. "You can make it up to me by eating lunch with me every day!" A hand was brought up to point in Brooke’s face. Miki’s voice was loud, her eyes wide with joy at the idea. She started waving her hands and telling Brooke about all kinds of foods she’d bring from home, and they could share, she swore Miki started speaking French, but Miki said they can eat right here, every day, in this class room."And I'll make sure they NEVER pick on you again."And she meant it, she was oh so serious, her eyes glinting as she held her phone out for Brookes eyes to see as she skipped through the gallery of pictures on the device. It’s evidence of the past month, Brooke getting her lunch stolen every day, at least she thought it was just her but there are also pictures of Hana antagonizing other students. Her green eyes widened a bit, and Miki gave a devil’s grin. So many thoughts are going through the young Brooke’s head at seeing all those pictures. The pictures aren't that good though, the quality of the camera and the distance rendering it blurry- pixelated.“I’m always late for lunch.” Miki starts with no clarification to that as she closes her flip phone. “And every time I come up here to get it, I always see you getting picked on.”
Brooked hands clenched around her lunch pale, embarrassed. Her face burned as she looked away, staring at the ground.“No more.” Miki said, slamming a hand onto Brooke’s quivering shoulder. It caused the raven to jolt in surprise, “No more. I’ll make sure those girls pay.”There was a pause, Miki came closer- connecting their gaze, “I hate Hana.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺Miki dragged Brooke all the way to the principal’s office a while later after their conversation in the classroom. It was just before the bell rang. Other kids were going back to class, Miki was on a mission.“Girls, you can’t go back there.” Their front office lady scolds them, not too harsh as it’s the first warning (it gets ignored), “The bell just rang, go on back to class, okay? If you need something I can see you at the end of the day.” Miki gives the lady a scoff, making sure to grab Brooke and pull her along. Miki passes down the hall, ignoring the woman who is now following them, trying to grab them and pull them back. Miki finds the door she’s looking for and throws them inside.“Mr. Hickox!” She whines, the man looks up from his desk where he is finishing his own lunch. His eyes bulge and he looks at the girls and then to the lady, his expression reads ’get them out of here! But Miki plants herself into the chair across from his desk and ushers Brooke to sit in the other, she feels uncomfortable being here especially with the desk lady mad at them now.“Miki, your lunch just ended, if you have something you need to discuss with me again- you know you can come find me after class ends.” He sighs, the ‘again’ and the tone of voice he gives her tells Brooke that this isn’t the first interaction they have had. “Mr. Hickox!” Miki says again, louder while shaking her head, “This is an emergency, it can’t wait until the end of the day.”
He sighs again, dabbing his face with a napkin and wiping his hands, he sets it down and moves his food away. He doesn’t seem completely interested- not even at least concerned, just exhausted. He looks up and dismisses the woman that nagged them coming in and as she leaves asks the girls, “What is so important that you need to interrupt my lunch time?”The young girl rips her phone out, opening it to get the pictures ready- “Miya! You know my policy on phones! Did you bring that in here just to get it taken away-““Mr. HICKOX! Look at all of this!” She puts her other hand up to stop him, ignores him, completely starts talking over him, Brooke fidgets in her seat, finding it a little amusing but also feeling out of place. Miki is flipping through the photos, pointing out and explaining each one. He had gone silent, listening, and taking in the information since Miki had so much of it. She was nearly in hysterics at certain points.When she got to telling them about Brooke’s story, Miki exaggerated it a bit. It wasn’t fully stretched, but Brooke was uncomfortable with the lies. For example she said they were also stealing her work and ruining it and also that they were putting gum in her hair.A lot of those things never happened. Well, maybe they did to other kids… Sometimes the girls did rough her up a bit. So with that, Brooke was confused, she didn't know why Miki would make up lies when it’s already as bad as it is... but she had faith, so she kept quiet. There had to be a reason; she herself did want the girls to get in trouble, she wanted it to be over. What gets her the most is how it could add up because it was true, Brooke wasn't turning in all of her assignments- but it didn't have anything to do with the girls that were stealing her lunch at school. She was just-"Well, Brooke, is it true? Have they been bullying you? It's okay, you can tell me. The adults will make sure the situation doesn't escalate further." Their principal asked, cutting Miki off and trying to read Brooke’s expression directly to find out if Miki was lying. Also trying to get the rowdy redhead to just shut up already. Brooke just nodded solemnly, a more saddened look appearing on her face. She thinks of the look her mom gave her when she came home in tears, crying about how they stole her new favorite lunch pail. “Of course, they are!” Miki agrees, crossing her arms.Hickox sighs once more, picking up his pen and asking for the names of the girls. Miki gives a few, but Brooke gives most of the other girl’s names."You know, I heard from other girls they were gonna jump her in the bathroom!" Miki wailed to the principal suddenly, "Beat her up! Can you believe this? I'm almost too scared to hang around Brooke in case I get bullied next! I don't want that! Those girls have been picking on everyone…" She slammed her hands on his desk, her eyes wide and frantic, fake frantic, but still frantic none the less... "Especially that Hana from the other grade- Hana Davidson- you know the one with the blonde hair? Don't you know she's dating a high schooler?! She threatened to sick him and his friends on us. Like a dog! I'm scared principal, I'm scared at this school. It isn't a safe environment..."Miki continued, not letting the principal get a word in edge wise, but he was too taken back by the information load to do anything. He sits for a second, taking in all this newly added on information, information that goes from zero to one hundred."ENOUGH!” Hickox snaps, “I understand! Thank you for telling me and bringing this issue to my attention, class is almost over now, so for now- just return to your classrooms, I will deal with this problem." He huffed out, flustered with a hand over his face, sending Miki and Brooke out of his office with a final, “And no cell phones during school hours!”It was quiet, neither of the girls had said anything on the way back to their classroom, Miki walked with a kick in her step and a grin on her face, her steps were clunky. She was feeling good, terrific even. Brooke clasped her hands in front of her and kept her head down, glancing at Miki from the corner of her eye ever so often,"Do you always do that?" Brooke spluttered out quietly, almost a mumble. Miki slowed her pace a bit, giving the shorter girl a look, a look that innocently screamed 'I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.' She looked almost puzzled through her accomplished aura. Miki shrugs her shoulders slowly, a lopsided grin still on her face as she blinks slowly."You know," Brooke started, stopping walking all together, and looking up at Miki fully. "lie."That’s what makes Miki laugh out loud, and then it was quiet again. Miki hadn’t replied right away, she just turned her gaze to the window of the hallway, no one was outside, no kids playing, no teachers, no yard duty. Everyone was in their classrooms, where the two of them should be. Instead, they were together, away from it all."I didn't lie." Miki finally states out. It took Brooke off guard, and she jolted from the volume of the girl’s voice. Which was loud, just for a statement. Miki gestured her hands in the air, trying to give as much emphasis as she could manage, "I was simply telling the truth of another world!”Brooke gives her a dumb-found look. They were children after all. What does that even mean? Miki’s shoulders deflate a little at Brooke’s expression, she takes in a big gulp of air.“Okay- I twisted the story a little. A LITTLE!” The girl expresses, “But I’m sure they would have started doing that stuff to you anyways.” Miki pauses, biting her lip, “They were picking on other people too, and bullying just escalates until someone steps in, we’re close to middle school." Miki pouted and pointed a finger at Brooke, who was confused at the mention of middle school,"You went along with it.” She smirks at Brooke, whose eyes widen, “You’re just as much as a liar as I am.” Miki giggled a little. She reached over and grabbed Brooked hand to start dragging her along to the classroom, she swings them between-"We have-ta stick together now, only we know the truth.” She laughs and gives Brooke another crazy smile and putting her finger over her mouth in the shh motion.Brooke could tell it was a joke but ironically, they did end up staying together for a long, long time after that. Lucky for them, that truth never came out, Hana was transferred out and the other girls were just back up for her, probably scared of saying no to the girl, so they went back to their own lives, never batting an eye at Brooke. Though they got a warning, and a few of them got suspended. There was no more drama in elementary school, not for them at least.Her mind always floated back to Miki, a kid who she’d never met- only shared class with. Someone so random would lie and steal and cheat just to make sure Brooke wasn't being picked on anymore... It made her feel special. They didn't even know each other, but it felt like they did in a sense. Brooke felt safe, she was protected, even if Miki was possibly a compulsive liar. Brooke figured it was okay since the other was lying for her sake. Lying for the greater good. Besides, if worse came to worse, she could keep Miki out of trouble. Brooke smiled as she twisted her hand in Miki's so they could hold hands, and catching up beside her instead of lagging behind so that they could walk to the classroom with their hands intertwined between them, swinging delicately.“Oh,” Miki says as they reach their classroom, “But that part about her going out with a highschooler?” They both make a face at the sentence,“Yeah…” She offers a laugh to Brooke, “That was true.”☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖Miki was absent for days after that, for a whole entire week. Brooke didn't know why. The days were long, and Brooke spent the entire time either looking for Miki, or just staring at her empty desk. She wondered if the other girl got suspended and was starting to feel guilty. Miki did eventually show up to school, though, giving her a toothy grin and a thumbs up that same morning. She had gone to stay with her grandparents and there was another tooth missing from her bottom set, leaving her with a bigger gap than before. Brooke had already lost all her baby teeth, apparently those were the last of Miki’s. She must have been a late bloomer.They did in fact eat lunch together that day, and every day after that; spending recess playing in the grass, but nothing more. School friends who had each other's backs, hung out all day, got in trouble for talking during class. Eventually they shared home phone numbers and would call over the landline when they were at home- doing their homework together and other things. Eventually the teacher even had to move their desks apart. It didn’t work though, they still found ways to talk during class, much to the teacher’s displeasure.Slowly but surely the two become inseparable, it would slowly build up, until each of them couldn’t bear to be without the other. It would slowly build up into something one could call love.☆ ˖⁺ ☽˖⁺